Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Well, hello there! Let's recap, shall we?

It's strange, really, that I haven't written anything here since July.  I was sure I'd be writing more once summer came around and school was out for a nice, long break.  I certainly can't say I didn't write at all.  In fact, I got quite a bit of footwork done on my memoir, planning and researching, but I did not pen a single blog post.  Not one.  When I think about it, I am pretty sure I was avoiding it, because I not only failed to blog, but I also stopped looking at my Twitter account where I keep up with my writer friends.  I stopped reading my favorite blogs and connecting with other writers. 

It is clear to m, now that we are back in the swing of a regular schedule, that I had to step away for a bit.  We are coming up on a year since things hit the proverbial fan, and for much of that time I was disconnected from my husband and kids. I was lost in a world of disbelief, crisis, and sadness I thought I may not fully recover from.  I had to take a break, heal as much as I could, and remind myself that there will be life on the other side of this tragedy.

Is the situation better?  No, not even close.  In some ways, it hurts more with every passing day, but we are learning how to live life that embraces the blessings we can count. 

I'm ready to get back into the blogosphere, and I thought that a little recap of some older posts would be a great way to rejuvenate my reader's interests while also introducing new readers to where it all started for this little blog of mine.  So in the style of Kasie Whitener, here goes:

  1. Dear Mom...  I wrote this at the beginning, and I took to down for a while, but it truly captures the essence of why this blog was born.
  2. My Girl:  So many of my posts were written in absolute sorrow, but I am pretty sure I smiled ear-to-ear the entire time I worked on this one. 
  3. Post I Wish More People Had Read:  This experience has been excruciating for me, but my pain and suffering is nothing compared to his. 
  4. Our Rocks:  My entire family would be far worse off without these two guys.  This post even ended with a little humor!
  5. Comfort:  This is where we are now, finding comfort in the positive, keeping memories precious, moving forward and finding joy in what we have in our lives. 
As I put this together, I had such a hard time picking just a few to highlight.  Each post is so close to my heart, and each is a piece of this journey that continues.  These are the ones I went with, and if they tug at your heart, check out the others.  You won't be disappointed.

It feels great to be back, and I think the best is yet to come!


  1. Replies
    1. Hey girl; i'm off wordfishing, but check in now and then; always good to feel your presence, love e

  2. Welcome home. Snag yourself a founding members badge for your blog and/or FaceBook page.

  3. So glad you're back, Kelly! Summers can be unpredictable. I hope you'll feel the love from your Wordsmith Studio pals even while away. We've been keeping the light on for you!

  4. Kelly! Welcome back to the blogosphere! It is great to have you back! :)
